Monday, June 8, 2009

since it has been a while...

I'd like to do an update as far as what's going on in life right now. dh has been playing a lot of shows, but the band is going on hiatus for about two weeks to re-group and practice for a bit. this is nice because it means more time with the hubby, and we get to go camping this weekend with some friends and a few of dh's cousins. the river is lovely for wading and swimming this time of year, and we're so blessed to be able to go up as often as we do.
work is over with for the ENTIRE SUMMER as of this week, and though i've still got a little to do before i pack it in, i'm looking forward to a lazy(ish) summer with family and friends. in fact, a few old friends are back in town after graduating college, and dh and i have been enjoying some simple pleasures in their company, like badminton, barbeques, and (YAY) the polish festival. my baby sister graduates high school in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS, and i can't believe it. i'm meeting with my mum tomorrow to plan a graduation party for my sis and her boyfriend before they leave for the atlantis resort. i love party planning, especially since it's such a happy occasion this time! also, sis looked beautiful for her prom last week, especially her hair (of which i am very jealous). she had a lovely time, and went camping afterwards, just like her big sis did 7 years ago!
no news yet on the baby front. if there's still no news on the baby front by next month, i think i'll see the doctor, no matter how much i'm dreading it. to me, it's kind of embarassing to admit that i'm having trouble with something that seems to come so effortlessly to other people. i mean, people have been getting pregnant and having children literally since people have existed, so why am i so bad at it? i doubt that the doctor will shed any light on the situation, since all of the doctors were so completely UNhelpful last time, but we shall see.
dh has been doing quite a bit in the yard and garden lately, and the house is looking much better for it. i got home from a meeting the other night and found him outside playing with his brand new shiny chainsaw down by the lake. i'll have to start makring the things that i don't want cut down since he seems to be enjoying himself a little too much. but the garden is doing VERY well, and i pray that that means i can cut down on trips to the produce market this summer. we're trying our hand(s) at a few new things, like onions, roses, and a perennial garden (for my lily). the entire deck is covered in flowers that still don't have homes and, since the yard is quite small, i'll have to find some creative spots for them.
on a completely different note, i'd really like a bike. you know, just to ride to my mum's house or to the park or the deli or to bring to the beach or whatever. it would be nice, and i've been peeking around for one at garage sales, but i may have to bite the bullet and save for a new one. that might be better anyway.
i've not been keeping up with my blogging or journalling or writing or reading. i'm more than slightly disappointed, but honestly, i'm also quite busy. i hope to devote a little more time to such pursuits over the summer. maybe the beach will be more conducive to writing poetry (or perhaps just napping...) and the shore house should be quiet enough for some writing.
i'm off to finish my reports for work and hope that nothing else crosses my desk in the next day or so. ta!