Friday, March 25, 2011

i found this pretty interesting:;_ylt=AuSfyBXv9Mz0TBB_yNhNxG5abqU5
the article is about how some parents just don't like parenting (or at least occasionally dislike it). i understand, believe me. i've only got one and sometimes on a particularly challenging day i'm ready to throw in the towel. these aren't parents who abandon their children or beat them or neglect them or anything like that, but they certainly aren't amy chua with her dragon mother nonsense. the author, Lylah Alphonse, interviewed a woman who co-authored a book called "Mothers Need Time-outs, Too," and gave a list of suggestions to keep moms from going cukoo bananas (taken directly from the article):
  1. Give yourself a break—you don't need to be so hard on yourself.
  2. Just say no! What are your real priorities?
  3. Take time to write it down. Journaling will bring clarity to your life.
  4. Slow down and savor living in the moment.
  5. Plug into your kids so you can really connect with them.
  6. Don't forget about your husband—intimacy is life-affirming!
  7. Reach out beyond your family. It will enrich everyone.
  8. Make your physical and mental health a priority.
  9. Is more always better? Simplify everything.
  10. Be a little selfish—you deserve it, and it will make you a better mother.
I mean, it all makes a lot of sense. no one is perfect. none of us has the perfect house, the perfect wardrobe, the perfect shape, the perfect husband, the perfect car, the perfect kids, whatever. we're not all gourmet cooks. we're not always full of energy. but nevertheless we try to do everything (and make our kids do everything too) and we spread ourselves too thin. i think that living a slower-paced lifestyle and limiting our exposure to a ton of extraneous activities is ideal. simplicity is ideal. also, journalling usually helps most situations. i take issue with number 10, however. i don't like using the "i deserve it" excuse, because life's not fair and we can't always get what we deserve. i feel like i deserve a beach house, but that doesn't mean i'm gonna get one. sure, it would make me a better mom (obviously...what kid doesn't want a mom with a beach house?), but not really in the way that it should. to me, taking a few minutes for yourself doesn't constitute being selfish. it's realistic. however, if i start begin really selfish and justifying it by saying that i deserve it, well then eventually not only will it go too far, but i won't really deserve it after a while anyway (that whole argument being a vicious cycle and all).
i think that the issue of perfectionism is super-dangerous for women anyway, especially now in the era of HGTV, food network, party planners and $15,000. birthday parties for kids. there are these ridiculous standards across the board for parenting and homemaking, not to mention the unattainable standards (of intelligence, personal appearance, time management, etc.) to which women are already held. we can't be all things. i don't know why we try, aside from the fact that it is not only expected but practically required. i know that i am an excellent baker. but am i a great housekeeper? not a chance. my mother is a hard-working woman who is terrific at her job. but can she cook? not a thing. for years women have beat themselves up over things like this, but i think it's time to embrace it. i do keep to some basic standards of cleanliness, especially now with a baby in the house. the dishes get done in a timely manner, i do the laundry, and i try to keep the floor clean and surfaces clear. anything beyond that is a bonus. my mom? she splits up meal prep between herself, my dad, and my sister so that everybody is responsible. i think that's how it should be. what we can't do, we should acknowledge and delegate appropriately (if i learned nothing else in the business world, it is the importance of delegating tasks and responsibility. it is also useful in event planning). since we are raised to do a little of everything, we do nothing really well. if we focus on our talents and just do our best at the rest, that should be enough.
does that mean that i think i should hire a maid service because i'm not good at cleaning and "i deserve it"? no (but sometimes i think that it would be nice), but as long as i keep the house livable, know what my husband needs (if he needs a clean house, he married the wrong woman, but i'll try my damnedest), understand what i need and try to live up to my own standards, i should be set.
but i also agree with ms. alphonse in that women raised today are not really prepared for the reality of child-rearing. they might have spent some time in a career while romanticizing the stay-at-home mom bit and, once the baby came, realized that that the fantasy was much more idyllic than what actually happens when they spend all day at home. the modern woman "having it all" just isn't a reality. there is too much pressure and too many obstacles for it to be worth it. a career is nice and a family is nice, but if your whole heart is in one of those things it seems incredibly unfair to the other. unfortunately, there is never an even split.
do i think that the rewards of staying home with a family are worth it? hell yeah. whenever i watch my little one learn something new or play with the kittens or yell "mama" i know that i'm doing right by her. but do i wish that someone had warned me ahead of time that staying at home can kind of suck? or that kids can sometimes be terrible? and that some days are not rewarding so much as monotonous? obviously. it's just nice to know that other parents feel the same way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

more snow!

because i am currently the only one in the house not battling some kind of illness (knock on wood), i tried my hand at some warm yummy soup-ish comfort food last night: chicken and dumplings, german style. i suppose i made it as sort of a cross between chicken pot pie and matzoh ball soup, but it was perfect and i have to admit, i was a little sad sending the leftovers off to work with my husband this morning! one of my favorite things to do is to tweak recipes to use up what we have in the fridge and the pantry and make them exactly the way we like them!
there is a ton of snow this morning! living in the northeast, i can't say that i'm surprised when there's snowfall well into spring, but i was totally not prepared for 6 inches when i woke up this morning! apparently, we could have 12 by 10 am tomorrow. ah well. i suppose that despite the random 70 degree days, it is not quite time to break out the baseball mitts and jogging stroller just yet.
i am in what i like to affectionately refer to as the "planning stages" of spring cleaning right now. pretty much, i have to wade through the piles of junk that have accumulated on my desk, in the baby's room, on my vanity, right inside the front door, etc. I'm hoping to get some done today, some done sunday, and the rest throughout the week. usually it is relatively easy but with the prospect of moving and renting this place out, i really want to step it up a notch so that i can be ready if we only have a month or so of notice. but, seeing as how i've been talking about moving out since before i even bought this house a few years ago, who knows if it'll actually happen. while we were out househunting on saturday morning, we found a few places; i liked one house, but it needed to be gutted, had some flooding issues, and was absolutely haunted and creepy, and ted liked another, but it is a little out of our price range despite the fact that it has everything that we want and is in move-in condition. everyone keeps saying that "it's a buyers market" but i'm not entirely sure that's accurate. we've run into so many snags with short sales (which are anything but what the name implies) and problems with investment companies that own properties we like and even unfriendly realtors! and now because so many people defaulted on their mortgages, even people with great credit are getting shaken down by mortgage companies and forced to buy mortgage insurance, which just tacks money on to the bill. we're lucky to be working now with a realtor who understands what we are looking for (or at least what my husband is looking for...every time i find a house i like, he discourages us from buying it because it is always an old house that needs a ton of work. the last few i've liked have been nowhere near livable. what can i say? i'm a sucker for the underdog).
i had every intention of trying to hit the gym today when the hubby gets home from work, but who knows if i'll even be able to get my car out!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Let me try this again.

I realize that i have begun and abandoned this blog several times already, but i think i'll restart it for good, for several reasons. allow me to actually introduce myself, in no uncertain terms:
my name is vicki, and i'm 25 years old. i've been married for 6 1/2 years to a hell of a man (my handsome bearded lumberjack/musician/genius), and i have an adorable but sometimes terrible baby who is almost 7 months old. i am a stay at home mom, which everyone has strong feelings about one way or the other, and i do too (but which way varies from day to day and even minute to minute). i gave up a decent-paying, mostly rewarding career in higher education that i really enjoyed to be at home when i became pregnant, and sometimes it's the smartest thing i ever did, but sometimes, i think i want to bolt in the night (funny how i used to think that all of those ibsen plays were so ridiculous. they make more sense now). sometimes i want to go back to work even though i know that i really shouldn't because it wouldn't make any sense after paying for daycare and commuting, and i'd miss all of my little one's firsts. at any given time i can convince myself to lean either way. i live in a little cabin on a lake that i love and hate at the same time. it is always in a state of squalor and disrepair, despite my best efforts. it used to seem much bigger. i also have a big-ish (for the suburbs) vegetable garden that i love, but it too is never quite as it should be. however, it feeds us for most of the summer and into the fall. i walk around the house and talk to myself all day since neither the baby nor the animals are very good conversationalists, and that is why i think that a blog would be a better outlet. i used to write lots of poetry and short non-fiction essays, but i haven't really written anything on paper since i lost my first daughter a few years ago. now whenever i look at a notebook i see the million things i should have told her instead of the endless sea of lines that i used to love and look forward to (reason number two for a blog). i enjoy yoga and hiking and competitive baking and watching movies and reading comic books and pretty much anything that kevin smith does. i am house-hunting, looking for a place in the country while prices are cheap. my husband wants a farm, and i think it would be good for our girl to chase chickens and ride ponies and jump in the creek whenever she wants to, but i'm not really sure that i belong out there on a permanent basis. as a Christian wife, i try to respect my husband's judgment and give him the rule of the roost, and he's pretty good at it, and getting much better at making decisions (typical Libra, needs practice). i'm a united methodist i guess, i was raised catholic and miss the ceremony, but truth be told i don't really like church at all. i'm more of a home-church kind of gal, since i think a relationship with God should be private. i also tend to be more conservative and old-fashioned than most people my own age, despite my best efforts. i dislike most technology (well, the stupid stuff anyway. who needs a kindle when a book just feels and smells and IS so much better?) and pretty much avoid it. i still listen to vinyl and make mixtapes because i think making a mix on a computer is so much less rewarding, and giving someone a mix cd says that the giver really didn't want to put a lot of effort in. i like shopping more than i should. i own more clothes than anyone i know but always wear the same things. i am perpetually on a diet, as are most women i know. i would like to lose my baby weight and keep thinking about taking up running, but i really don't like or understand runners or the runner mentality. how could that possibly be fun? a runner's high? please. i don't particularly like very late nights or very early mornings, and i need 8 hours of sleep or i'm just not a nice person. sometimes i drink much more than i should and say mean and/or ridiculous things to everyone i can find, but i'm working on not doing that as much. i like throwing parties because i like the challenge that comes with building a menu and serving a feast and making everyone feel comfortable with people they don't know, and i like planning activities like monopoly or checkers or badminton or making gingerbread houses in the middle of summer or whatever. i am not close with a lot of people because i find it strange. most of my friends live very far away, although my family all lives close and in truth, is very close as well. i never really got along with other women, and now that i have a kid, it's kind of hard to relate to men as well (well, especially those my own age, who are generally stuck in a state of perpetual boyhood that i am super jealous of). i desperately need to start my spring cleaning, and keep telling myself i'll do it any day now. i love rollercoasters and i never outgrew amusement parks. i see everything in black and white but know that just about everything exists somewhere in the shades of gray, even though i usually won't acknowledge it. i like to sing very loud in the car, and i love driving aimlessly, something that as a stay-at-home mom, i rarely get to do anymore. occasionally, i enjoy smoking even though i know that it's bad for me. i'm scared of lakes and the creatures that lurk within them, but i love rivers and the way they smell (usually), like the beginning of spring. apple-picking makes me insanely happy.
i guess that's me. i really don't usually talk about myself like that. i'm quite glad that nobody reads this, otherwise they would know more about me than people i've known forever. however, if anybody does read this, these are the things i'll be talking about. i guess i'm just a normal-ish woman dealing with normal-ish woman issues.