Wednesday, November 4, 2009

work, home, and everything in between

i am terrible at blogging. however, i am not going to give it up permanently because i feel like it is one of the few places i can be totally honest. i can be honest like, once a month when i post. other than that, i'm beat.
my job is terrible lately. at the beginning of the semester, a new director was hired. she was awful. she made a ton of changes that did us no good, and for no reason (and i seriously subscribe to the school of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"). then, due to an unfortunate family issue, she decided to take a leave of absence. the powers that be filled her spot with someone part-time who doesn't know the first thing about her job and is never in her office. so, in a sense, i'm kind of my own boss while still able to be chewed out by the powers that be. so now coverage at work is spotty at best and i no longer get to leave for the hour lunch i'm contractually guaranteed. it is harder and harder to get everything accomplished, and we are left out in the dark regarding any administrative decisions. i used to really love my job because i get the chance to help people succeed academically and personally, but as the upadministration has not provided me with any support (i mean, aren't they at least supposed to have my back?), i have started to get my resume in order and look for the worst possible time. oh well, that's life i guess.
dh's band is doing very well lately. they just released a cd which is ACTUALLY SOLD IN STORES (which blows my mind in this era of digital nonsense, but i suppose i'm old-fashioned), and they've been playing in the area to promote it.
on a personal note, since that d-bag chubster was elected gov. of nj last night, dh and i are a little uncertain about the security of his job (as part of christie's crusade to cut taxes, he'll inevitably cut state workers or at least their salaries, despite the fact that dh already makes less than he would in the public sector and has few perks to speak of). that' being said, we've been looking at a few properties in ny state, and hope to move there within a few years to pursue our dream of operating a small commune-type farm cooperative. with everything going on, it seems to be our best bet anyway. everything just feels a little more ominous lately, i sense it in the air, and i'm about ready to head for the hills and live a much more simple life.
i found a website the other day called veggie trader ( it allows you to search for local home-grown produce and craft products, which you can buy, sell, or trade. there's nothing in my area yet but next year i fully intend to post my bumper crops.
ah well, i had more to write about but duty calls-i have a meeting in 10!

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