Monday, May 10, 2010

a lovely mother's day

we had a such a nice mother's day around here. hubby and i went to church (his mom joined us!) and then over to his parents' house for breakfast and to see his little brother, who is graduating from college on friday and moving back home. then we stopped at my mom's for a few minutes, and my dad showed me the arbor/swing he is building for baby and me for mother's day/my birthday (which is rapidly approaching...i feel like i should have accomplished more in this quarter century than i have!). it is adorable, and we'll put it down by the apple trees on the lake, and hopefully train the grapes to grow up the sides. THEN we came home, cleaned up, did a little prep and had a nice BBQ for my mom. My mom and dad, two uncles and and aunt, my sister, her boyfriend, and his mother were all inattendance. dh made AMAZING burgers and manned the grill for most of the day. I had made some banana bread (which no one touched beacuse there was too much food...i sent people home with it!) and miniature cheesecakes for dessert, both tried and true recipes that are hard to mess up! however, i do make very low-fat banana bread (usually the people in my family are diametrically opposed to low fat foods), and no one seems to notice! there was SOOOO much food that i can live on leftovers all week! that won't be too bad, as it will be quite the busy week with the graduation on friday, and hubby & i are going away for the weekend and don't know quite what we're doing when we come back just yet. ooh, and i have lots of planting to do later on in the week as it froze last night and may freeze again tonight, so we have most of the plants huddled under the picnic table (which is covered in a tarp) and in the brown room...i don't know just what we'll do when the baby actually needs a place to sleep!

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