Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and everything after

i didn't mean to start this blog and then abandon it in rapid succession, but it seems that i have. or at the very least, i've neglected it. the reason for this is that between spring cleaning, Easter prep, dh's shows and my crazy work schedule, I've just not been around. however, i may just use this blog as a tool to organize myself (as i'm quite certain that no one reads it anyway). for example, it has helped me with menu planning for Easter and the upcoming wedding, and i think i'll use it to help me plan the garden in a few days. my parents gave me a new bird bath for Easter, and i'm trying to figure out a spot where:
a. it'll look pretty
b. my uncle won't be able to shoot at the birds
c. i'll be able to see it from inside the house
so, i'll plan the garden around that. dh and some friends cut down a tree the other day so i'll have a little more light down by the lake, and i can plant some root veggies there. however, now people at the bbqs will have to stop throwing rib bones and cigarettes down there. bbqs have started up again and are in full force for the spring/summer. i believe we are having one tomorrow night due to the fact that a friend is in from out of town, and as a way of saying thank you to the friends who helped us cut down the tree in the side yard. also, we'll have a bonfire and clean up all the brush in the area, and it'll be a fun, social occasion as well.
Easter was great, a smashing success despite the odds. the MIL, dh & i went to sunrise service on the lake and it was beautiful, though very chilly. a few ducks even came over to hear the Good Word. however, the pastor flew through the service and it was not nearly as satisfying as it usually is. but it was nice to see the sun come up over the lake and sing hymns. then we had bkfst and went home to take a nap before tackling the great pierogi task. i think we made like a mountain of them, and still have enough leftovers to make about 2 dozen more, which we'll probably make and freeze tomorrow (handmade are better than mrs. t's or poppy's any day). i had made all of the baked goods (babka, blueberry cake, chocolate bourbon pecan pie, bunny cake) beforehand in the few days leading up to Easter, so that all i had to do in the morning was go to church, stick the ham and veggies in the over, do a quick once-over of the house and the linens, and make pierogi (dh helped; i daresay he enjoyed it). we had family and friends in and out of the house all day, from 1 to about 10:30. i fell asleep the second my head hit the pillow last night. while i should have stayed awake to finish the last of the dishes, i left the last few cups to wash this morning (and i'm sorry to say, i haven't gotten around to them yet) and made a beeline for the bed. a very joyous, very rewarding Easter with family and friends is a real blessing, and a real treat. dh helps me more than i recognize, and i'm afraid that i'd be lost without him (though i'd never tell him that)...

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