Thursday, May 19, 2011

birthday/ted's mom

ted's mom is home from the hospital and feeling much better, thank God. unfortunately, she will be on heart medication for the rest of her life though. right now she's a little too concerned with what's going on at work, and she really should be using her strength to recover and relax.
my little one has discovered peekaboo and musical instruments all in the span of a few days. we've also started going to the playground when it is nice enough out (which hasn't been often lately. boo.). her favorite thing to do lately is play the tambourine, which is fabulous! it's so amazing to me to watch her learn new things every single day! people always say that babies are constantly learning but to actually watch it happen is a complete miracle. it makes me glad that i can be at home with her all day (at the same time though my wallet is crying!).
my birthday was fun. ted and i went on a drive through sussex county and stopped at a nice little coffee shop that we always used to go to while we were dating and got decadent drinks and some kind of delicious salt and pepper mexican chocolate that i wish i had a million little discs of to have whenever i want it. then we went to harold's and i had a ton of lox and gouda and a million pickles and didn't even care. it POURED the entire day (we had wanted to break in my six flags season pass, but it really didn't seem like the right day, since it wouldn't have been open and all). at night my folks and my sis and her boyfriend came by for cake. then, my sis's bf got me the best present...the michael jackson experience for wii! we went back to my parents' house and played for a few hours and it was SO! MUCH! FUN!!! all in all my birthday was really nice even though it wasn't what i would have expected.
this sunday the whole family and i are having a garage sale at my mom's house and we are hoping to get rid of a ton of stuff so that moving (when we finally do actually move) won't be quite so hard. we could also use a little pocket money, so i'm hoping that we do make some! plus we could use gas/food/beer money for the festival up in hancock next weekend. i'm also hoping it stops raining so that we don't have to camp out in a giant mud puddle. i mean, i know i married a hippie but i'm soooo not down for all that! on the up side, there's always the callicoon farmer's market!

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