Wednesday, March 23, 2011

more snow!

because i am currently the only one in the house not battling some kind of illness (knock on wood), i tried my hand at some warm yummy soup-ish comfort food last night: chicken and dumplings, german style. i suppose i made it as sort of a cross between chicken pot pie and matzoh ball soup, but it was perfect and i have to admit, i was a little sad sending the leftovers off to work with my husband this morning! one of my favorite things to do is to tweak recipes to use up what we have in the fridge and the pantry and make them exactly the way we like them!
there is a ton of snow this morning! living in the northeast, i can't say that i'm surprised when there's snowfall well into spring, but i was totally not prepared for 6 inches when i woke up this morning! apparently, we could have 12 by 10 am tomorrow. ah well. i suppose that despite the random 70 degree days, it is not quite time to break out the baseball mitts and jogging stroller just yet.
i am in what i like to affectionately refer to as the "planning stages" of spring cleaning right now. pretty much, i have to wade through the piles of junk that have accumulated on my desk, in the baby's room, on my vanity, right inside the front door, etc. I'm hoping to get some done today, some done sunday, and the rest throughout the week. usually it is relatively easy but with the prospect of moving and renting this place out, i really want to step it up a notch so that i can be ready if we only have a month or so of notice. but, seeing as how i've been talking about moving out since before i even bought this house a few years ago, who knows if it'll actually happen. while we were out househunting on saturday morning, we found a few places; i liked one house, but it needed to be gutted, had some flooding issues, and was absolutely haunted and creepy, and ted liked another, but it is a little out of our price range despite the fact that it has everything that we want and is in move-in condition. everyone keeps saying that "it's a buyers market" but i'm not entirely sure that's accurate. we've run into so many snags with short sales (which are anything but what the name implies) and problems with investment companies that own properties we like and even unfriendly realtors! and now because so many people defaulted on their mortgages, even people with great credit are getting shaken down by mortgage companies and forced to buy mortgage insurance, which just tacks money on to the bill. we're lucky to be working now with a realtor who understands what we are looking for (or at least what my husband is looking for...every time i find a house i like, he discourages us from buying it because it is always an old house that needs a ton of work. the last few i've liked have been nowhere near livable. what can i say? i'm a sucker for the underdog).
i had every intention of trying to hit the gym today when the hubby gets home from work, but who knows if i'll even be able to get my car out!!!

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